I have been increasing my time and energy around wellness especially lately. Realizing our souls may live forever, but our bodies are only rented during this lifetime. Another words, take care of what you got!! So many of my clients are coming to me with physical issues. I am noticing a pattern with these clients. Are you suffering from any aches or pains, disease or illness, weight gain or fatigue, or are you just not feeling like yourself?? When our bodies are not running at a 100%, it’s due to an after effect of a negative emotion. Yes you heard me, a negative emotion. If we don’t clean out our emotional “closet,” of old negative thoughts, patterns or feelings, eventually our physical bodies will be effected. Do you know that different types of emotions effect different parts of our bodies?? For instance, if you fear lack of financial support or money, you will tend to have lower back pain/problems. Have heart issues?? This emotion is due to lack of self love, a hardened heart, or may have chosen money over love. The good news is we can heal ourselves by changing our negative thoughts, patterns and beliefs. It works, I healed a brain aneurysm 14 years ago. Once it was healed with prayer and visualization, I needed to change my negative thoughts and forgive past pain for maintenance. Curious and want to know more?? Check out best selling book “Heal your body” by Louise Hay, she has a list of every issues that corresponds with an exact emotion. Once you find out what emotion caused your issue, and begin replacing this negative thought with positive affirmations, you will be healed!! The power of the mind is an amazing thing!!
Xoxo Deirdre Balarezo Abrami, Deirdre Abrami